All clients have 72 hours to cancel the services without cost. If the client cancels within 48 hours, there will be a fee equal to half the cost of the service. As well, if the client cancels the service on the same day, the client must pay the full price for the service that was cancelled.

It is recommended to start with a deep cleaning. Why? Because our maids can get into all the corners of the house and get them clean and fresh, when the time for your regular cleaning comes, it will be easier to maintain a clean place.

A regular weekly or biweekly cleaning is typically engaged for maintaining a cleanliness environment.

A deep clean gets into the darkest of corners, on top of all cabinets, behind and under all furniture, behind appliances, and ensures we scrub every single corner like there’s no tomorrow!

No, our clients are not obligated to provide us cleaning supplies and machines unless they want us to use their stuff as their preference.


In this section it will have the option to get an estimated quote by the questions that will be asked, which they are:

Phone Number*
1) How Many Bedrooms Does Your House Have? *
1) Customize bedrooms*
2) How Many Bathrooms Does Your House Have?*
2) Customize bathrooms*
3) What Kind Of Cleaning Service Are You Looking For?*
4) How Often Do You Want Your Cleaning Service?*
5) How Many Pets Do You Have?*
5) Customize pets*
6) What Kind Of Pet Do You Have?*
6) Customize Pet*
7) Are You Sensitive Or Allergic To Any Chemical Or Scent? If Yes Please Describe*
7) If Yes Please Describe*
8) What Is Your Address?*
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